Tin Sheds


Images showing two possible tapestry presentation styles, inclusion of props as exhibition display, and a detail showing elements related to the CIA-led Guatemalan coup.







Image: Kandosgate

After a quick nod to three outspoken war-related public right-to-know advocates – Australian war crime whistleblower David McBride, John Shipton the father of Julian Assange, and Greens senator David Shoebridge – this drama aims to capture some of their actions, by extending their stories and bringing them home to a regional Australian community.

Image: The Allo-Paradox Method

This community collaboration focusses on allodoxia, or programmed misrecognition, as a means to understand the ways that people can respond to some of society’s dynamics. The presentation at Carriageworks included some of these as action on the stage and as part of a projection backdrop. (Performance Space Liveworks Festival 2022)

Image: Solastalgia walking books 1

A multi-screen train-carriage installation and performance that mashes up Fahrenheit 451 with the Irish Potato Genocide, to add an economic crisis to the social and political vacuum Bradbury created. Coalmining-impacted community members perform as books and excerpts from Truffaut’s filmic version are projected through the train carriage windows and doors. (Cementa Contemporary Arts Festival_2015)

Image: Pick-Up-Needle-Bottom-Of-Sea

Participants in a qi gong community performance imagine a water-energy postal system in a local creek, which they use to send an ice form containing a message about world peace. (Performance Space Liveworks Festival 2021)

Image: Burnt Stars


Anti-gentrification Hamburg resident Lena plays herself and Hannah Arendt (shown here in the Gurs Prison Camp), to counter  the other positions presented in Joseph Beuys’ fictional Tartar rescue, which is extended to include a crash-landing onto Martin Heidegger’s hut. (DAAD German government creative practice scholarship 2012-2013)

Image: Maladaptation

Environmentalist Bev Smiles plays Meryl Streep in a mashed-up version of Kaufman’s and Jonze’s film Adaptation. Bev also plays Nicholas Cage’s on-the-run character amidst found footage of the environmental crisis, these projections housed in a large large installation that can be read as a modern-day bushranger hideout space filled with the work’s filming props and other objects referencing citizen advocacy.

Image: The hitchhiker’s guide to the Symbiocene 

This work explores what was Glenn Albrecht’s unpublished psychoterratic typology that covers responses to global warming and development, and provides his new conceptual foundation for thinking about relationships that has since been widely adopted. (Screening: New York Film Anthologies)

Image: Slow hope: being coronavirus

Protected by a helmet and hidden in a reflected and projected image within the makeshift debris and detritus structures, I slurp at an image of myself, attempting to become whole again by drinking myself. (Articulate project space, 2020)

Image: Tied, Mayday 2006

DSCN6564Funerary performance on the Tribal Warrior boat at Farm Cove Sydney with members of the Pacific Island Mount Druitt Action Network and other Pacific Islander Australians. Shown on multiple computer screens inside the boat, participants share their understandings, fears and hopes about imminent climate collapse tide rising impacts to their homelands. Animation sequences of the melting ice form dedications gifted into the sea are shown on the second screen. (City of Sydney funded project)

Image: Placing stones as they are found

Following advice provided by experts in Australia and China, this community engagement work explores mining and globalism from the contradictory careful singular action of trying to “undo” the trajectory of a few small decorative Chinese stones. (Australia-China Council creative practice scholarship)